Radium Girls Rehearsal Process
Thursday 25th April This was day after cast list, so me and Will ended up swapping around doing the first scene. When one of us was doing Dr. Spivey for one flew over the other would do Dr. Vonshochoky for radium girls. At first I was holding back a little bit as I had never attempted the German accent before so I was a little scared to take on this challenge of the German accent. So in my own time I had asked Callum if he could quickly teach me a little bit of it just to get me started and teach me the changes on the scripts so I understood what letters were different to the English language. I then went through my script and changed it all to be more German changing words like 'and' to 'und' and words like 'thank you' to 'danke. Then I went and tackled the accent for my first scene and it wasn't too bad I was just a little fast cause I was trying to get it over with since it was my first time trying this accent. Monday 29th April So on Monday I knew...