Peter Pan Show Days

Wednesday 13th Cast 1 was on the first day and we had a different type of audience with it being a relaxed performance. The day before the show we had a talk about to what to expect from the audience and we were given the chance to put our name forward if we wanted to meet the audience before they came to sit in.I asked George if I would be allowed to put my name due to my experiences and so it was nice to meet and greet them in and see how excited they all were for Peter Pan. I was a lost boy in this cast so I was in my lost boy costume ready for our part. I first com on sage to help with the flying, I made sure to not look at the audience but instead look at the floor so I didn't trip over something when lifting someone. After the flying it was then scene change for lost boys. I made sure to skip onto stage as character with Alan and then we both grabbed the front bed and moved it to the back, I also had to move the door frames at the back that we used for the windows since some...