Pretty Woman

Monday 6th February On this day we put back into Tom's dance studio with the higher education students to go over the blocking of pretty women. We started off with the singing warm ups we had done before when working with Tom. We then split into 3 groups to continue the warm ups going but having a different group sing a warm up song all at the same time. Then we moved onto getting to understand the tune and lyrics for the song which was a weird one. We went over this a couple of times to get a feel for what it would be like before moving into something simple to block it out with. The blocking was only simple because majority of us can't dance so they didn't want to do anything too extreme for us since I was already struggling with the simple version as I kept getting my hands and feet swaying the wrong direction all the time and was behind everyone else. After we had finished the swaying in our groups we formed 2 circles and circled around the woman in the middle to whic...