Copy Cat Project
Thursday 15th September 2022 - Choosing our scene
Today we got our first project which was to find some film students and some actors from our class and come with a scene that we need to copy. At first there was 4 of us and we had the idea of doing a scene from the one of the 'Back to the Future' films. We decided later on when Jack joined our group that we were going to do a scene from the film 'White Chicks' instead specifically the scene where they meet the girls' friends (White Chicks - Meeting their friends - YouTube). In our group we had Jack (who was Brittany from the scene), Elliott (Karen), Kiera (Tori), Ash (Lisa) and me (Tiffany). Our film makers were also Josh and Casey from the 2nd year. The deadline to complete his project was for the end of first term.
What I took away from this lesson was that I got to work with people I hadn't worked with before and to talk to someone else who doesn't act but is into film work.
Thursday 22nd September 2022 - Pitching our scene
We were tasked over the weekend to come up with a scene we really wanted to do and then pitch it towards Kelly. We were all set on the idea of wanting to do the scene from 'White Chicks' and we were all ready for the pitch as we had planned it out over the weekend and Jack had made scripts for all of us. All we needed after the pitch was to get all clear from the Hotel, we were going to see if we could film in (the hotel was called Hampton by Hilton). The pitch went really well, and Kelly was excited to see how it would turn out, we also got some makeup students involved to turn me, Jack and Elliott into women. After the end of the day we took a walk over to the hotel and sat down with 2 people who we then explained the situation to them and they were on board with the idea as long as we filmed in a room they had organized for us instead of filming out in the lobby as it would disrupt the workers and the public and we would be in the way of people leaving or entering the building or getting out of the elevator.
What I got from today was the ability to plan as a group and work together to get everything in order so that we can crack on rehearsing and get a date for when we can start filming.
Thursday 29th September 2022 - Rehearsal
For this day we were told to just go ahead and rehearse our lines ready for when we had the date sorted to start filming the next week on Friday the 7th. We came in the college early to start getting some practice in where we would break it into chunks and go to a certain part of the script without reading it, if any of us forgot the line or used the script to help them we would start from the top till we got a perfect run through. We would then move onto the next chunk and so on until we continued and started getting the lines spot on with no hiccups. Next, we moved onto watching the clip multiple times over to get the voices and the facial expressions on point so that we could polish out our lines with adding in the voices and actions, we had to do this a couple of times as we tried to get everything on point, so it didn't look like pointless staring or awkward movements when it came to filming.
Thursday 6th October 2022 - Dress Rehearsal
We never planned to do a dress rehearsal till the day, so I didn't have time to bring in my costume for a proper dress rehearsal, so I just found a pink cardigan in the costume room which I had to just use for today but at least I was still in part of my costume, so it still looked like a good dress rehearsal. For this we mainly focused on facial expressions and body language of our characters we were portraying. Me and Jack had to act awkward the whole time and do really bad girl voice impressions so that it fit our characters and it worked really well.
Friday 7th October 2022 - Filming Day

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