Shout Auditions - National Theatre Connections
Before the script read through, I had a little skim and read through the script myself cause Kelly sent it early. Just from reading it I took a liking to the character Tristan because I clicked with him a lot because there were things in the script that really hit home for me and made me see myself in Tristan. The monologue where he opens up about being the only person in his family to go to Uni, I am now in that situation where I am now the first person to go University, I also resonated a lot with the way he spoke to Dana on the soft side like just being there for her because I have had the same connection with my older brother who was/is a selective mute. Wednesday 10th Januray Today we did a script read through of shout, this was like the other read through's we have done as a group where the first person to stand up can do the scene. I stood up for Tristan and read the library scene where he is screaming, I got a bit nervous at first and Alan jumped in and screamed firs...