Full Year Evaluation - Unit 8
Candidate Declaration - I confirm that the attached portfolio is all my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself. Full Year Evaluation I still remember from when I first joined and I was quiet and nervous to get myself involved in some of the warm-ups never mind thinking about auditioning for shows. At first I didn't this life was for me due to everyone seeming to fit in easier and comfortable whereas it took me a while since I had never, even done a show before or performed infront of 100s of people. Our first project was ghost light tours for immersive theatre work, I auditioned for the role of the bartender thinking I was ready to already tackle something so difficult, but it wasn't my time because as soon as I had gone over to Kelly for my audition I had to use the script even though I had learnt everything off by heart, I ended up stuttering all my lines, ended up freezing and my hands were also shaking since this was my first real audit...